For real, I’m asking did you have the Christmas you need? . . . Feel free to comment and dialogue on this. As always for me (as I’m sure is true for most) – the answer is yes and no. Yes, I loved so much about the people in my life this Christmas!!! I loved everything about the Christmas Eve Gatherings with all of you! We had 419 people on our campus that day, and we had so much fun – more importantly God was present and actively changing lives!!! That was a JLC family Gathering to be celebrated! That was the Christmas we needed! I loved time with extended family and other friends who got to catch up, reminisce and dream together a bit.
I did NOT need 3 hours of driving in heavy snow and 30 minutes of driving in white out on the way to see family, but se la vie – we got a white Christmas out of it – haha. I did not need mind melting free time watching movies and playing games, except for the active ones I played with my kids & nieces & nephews. I didn’t need the lost sleep of being in a different bed and the lost rhythm of running on other schedules that produced us missing family devos 3 nights in row.
So, it’s time to pray, ask God what the good and bad of this Christmas season was, then cast vision and make decisions to change the things that you can control for next year. It’s not too early to make those decisions, in fact, it’s precisely the right time to make them clearly while it’s fresh and write them down for next year. The Christmas you need is a few intentional decisions away. For instance, the first decisions we made was last night to get back on the horse and do family prayer and Bible reading (devos) again!
So pray, ask God, evaluate, then cast vision and make decisions now for next year, so that the Christmas you need becomes more and more your reality!